Summer Tan:how to protect yourself from the Sun

We have. Missing very little to the long awaited summer holiday and a weekend of relaxation and swimming in the sea despite the water still cold, we prepare the costume and the summer sun. Two feared situations that need to be addressed with a lot of courage. On the test costume you know that is all about results after efforts both physical, addressed food during the winter; Try to eliminate the last is almost impossible, but never say never. On summer instead Sunseekers there are doubts and provide care toSun Tan.
Let's face it in a few manage to resist thesummer Tan, at the first hint of the Sun we are there, beautiful covered by our glasses and with a bit of sunscreen just mentioned. In fact the whole wheel Tan a study made by industry experts and scholars, careful to diseases and harmful effects that the Sun can have on our body over time, have developed a series of scientific research is also conducted to find an immediate solution and positive to try to combine to Tan and positive aspects on our body.
By virtue of scientific discoveries and to avoid future dangers, generally adequate sun protection are recommended as specific creams or better yet avoid sunbathing during rush hour, opting for early morning or late afternoon.Among others advice is consulting a dermatologist, who can evaluate your skin type and protection to use before exposing yourself to the Sun.
In an attempt to meet the most varied requirements, by virtue of a degree of protection and safe, two pharmaceutical companies have recently presented in Rome the so-called "smart solar". The products aim at the objective not only to "protect" but also of "immunoproteggere"; The smart solar indeed contain "fotoimmunoprotettori" natural green tea, nicotinamide and ectoina, and also have 30% less chemical filters. Stefano Manfredini, Director of the Master in Cosmetic science and technology of the University of Ferrara, explained about the new product: "With this new solar ImmunoProtection, you enter in the era of modern photoprotection, where attention, until now focused mainly on UVB, UVA also moved. It is clear now that the GRAPES while being less energy are more insightful, capable of reaching the DermIS and, therefore, may have a major role in fotocarcinogesi, in fotoimmunosoppressione, in "photoaging.
Joseph Monfrecola, Director of the school of Specialization in dermatology and Venereology dell'universita ' di Napoli Federico II, wished to clarify some points still unclear ona Tan estivto, to try to make it clear once and for all the negative aspects of the Sun at all costs: "one of the most frequent mistakes that you make with the arrival of summer is to expose yourself to the Sun with a full immersion from getaway. It goes from being fully dressed to throw himself under the rays of the Sun for a few hours and then again a week in Office. "  Professor Monfrecola said also: "under the Sun we're not all equal and changing security needs: children must use specific products that maintain the filtration capacity even in special conditions, e.g. playing in water or rolling around in the sand; the guys with acne should choose a product that is not fat and that, in addition to sunscreens, contain sebostatiche substances and adjuvants for acne therapy; those who fear the photoaging or otherwise it forward through the years must choose a sunscreen that contains properties or anti-inflammatory molecules and substances able to moisturize and nourish the skin. "
In short, different different products, skin and never leave anything to chance, for this is always good, consult an expert in the field, who will recommend the proper product, when and how a Tan.

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