Stretching completes the training. The good spring weather entices many recreational athletes for their jogging into the open. But many complain after training on physical complaints. We'll tell you the most common errors when running and how to avoid them.
Who knows that not the summer approaching in leaps and bounds, and with it also the Bikini season. We were somewhat lazy in the winter, it is now high time to take our training in order to make the small waistline to hip, abdomen and buttocks on the collar. But be careful! Who long has made sport no, or little, tends to strain. Train until you drop seems just right to us, because much helps Yes we know that much. But exactly this assumption is wrong. We show you which errors you should in the future avoid during your training.
Listen for the training on the body
Most frequent error when running is to tackle the training too quickly. The pulse races, legs ache, Seitenstiche are added and after a short period we need to stop the run. Is better: start slowly until muscle and tendon are warm and the body of the upcoming strain has accustomed. After about 15-20 minutes you can then increase the speed.
Common jogging is more fun. Less is sometimes more: who thinks that you must work out themselves to complete exhaustion, mistaken. The body requires a much longer recovery time in this case and in addition produced stress hormones. In this case, the training is no longer healthy, but rather harmful.
Who takes over at running and pressed his body too far, does no good to himself and his health, but runs the risk of heart circulatory problems in the worst case.
For a healthy and effective training, you should choose a speed, where you still can talk. Who feels inadequately encouraged this, should try it with interval training or short intermediate sprints. But a fast final spurt lie down: at the end of training, it is often so tired that subsides the concentration and increases the risk of injury. After the jogging time to stretch should be planned a 15 minutes - which is good for not only the body but also the mind.