Human Papilloma Virus in Man

The Human Papilloma Virus, often referred to by the abbreviation HPV (Human Papilloma Virus)is a Virus that affects the genital area and is contracted through unprotected sex or direct contact (dermal or environmental).

Despite qualms over 120 types, the Human Papilloma Virus is the most infamously involved in onset of serious cancers, such as those of the cervix.

HPV can occur in men with the appearance of genital warts (especially on the Glans).

In most cases, however, a subject, even if infected, do not perform any external sign of the presence of viruses nor clear symptoms of the infection.

The absence of warts (or Rooster ridges) is not so sure of the absence of infection.

This is why man is considered "healthy carrier" of the virus.

In the case of HPV prevention is very important, do not contract the virus in the first place and, in the case of infection, do not transmit it to sexual partners (often unaware of danger).

Be aware of the infection, it also allows you to quickly intervene and care treatments, as well as to operate an early diagnosis about possible insurgent tumors (dependent on the penis, anus, and so on).

The use of condoms is the best weapon to protect themselves from the Human Papilloma Virus. It is also useful to follow a meticulous and proper personal hygiene. If you suspect to be infected you need to contact your doctor promptly. This applies more in case it was noted the appearance of clear symptoms, such as warts and red spots on Glans and/or on the genitals.

Treatment of Papilloma Virus in humans is limited to the use of medicines containing Podophyllin or Imiquimod.

In some cases it may be necessary to Remove surgically or with lasers the warts appeared on the penis.

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