If you are trying to lose a few pounds and really all you try without apparent results, self massage could be the solution to your problem. Combine a healthy diet to massage it would seem, indeed, maximise your chances of success in the coveted slimming.
Great reasons to try the self-massage are at least 4:
1. self massage is beneficial to the body and mind, regenerating the body and rebalancing the psyche proven daily stresses;
2. self massage helps improve peripheral circulation and microcirculation;
3. the massage has a tonifying and firming the skin and muscles;
4. self massage is an excellent remedy against cellulite and water retention.
We recommend a couple of exercises to begin to experience the self and his incredible physical and psychological benefits. Before you choose a room in your home that is relaxing and peaceful for you. You can spread into the environment a delicate scent incense, put some background music and use specific oils for massage.
Exercise 1. Sit back and, with the palms of the hands, Pat yourself first one leg and then the other, alternating first the right and then the left. Now, focus your attention on the area of the leg between the ankles and knees: proceed with massaging movements slow and circular piece, then conclude the session with a medium-pressure-level entity of the patella. This exercise helps combat cellulite and improve circulation and lymphatic function.
Exercise 2. Lie on the ground or on the bed and start massaging your abdomen doing by hand movements on a regular schedule, first clockwise and then anticlockwise. Now place one Palm on the abdomen and the other Pat yourself the back of his hand resting on the abdomen.
Move the Palm over the extension of the abdomen, repeating the exercise. End the session, standing with his hands on his hips: breathe deeply and alternate with each breath a boost with both hands towards the hips. With this exercise, you will improve the appearance of the stomach and abdomen.