Are you wondering what are the yellowish-white bubbles that appeared on his face out of nowhere? Nothing worrying. It's harmless and very common keratin cyst, called "grains of millet" because of their similarity with the seed of grain.
Millet grains occur as small formations, similar to bubbles, the size of one or two millimetres. Normally light colored (yellowish-white), round or oval and detected compared to the rest of the skin.
But why appear?
The reasons for the appearance of grains of millet, more common in women than men, are numerous:
skin trauma (Burns, abrasions, etc.);
clogging of hair follicles;
Epidermoid metaplasia
The most affected part of the body is the face, especially the cheeks and eyelids, where there are hair follicles. There is, however, also the grain of millet.
In newborn grains of millet are quite common and do not require treatment. In adults, however, can be eliminated with a specific technique, which involves a timed cutting grain and squeezing the material contained therein. Obviously this technique must be performed by an expert, to avoid infection or scarring.
Another very effective technique, but only for the cheekbone area, is the dermal application of Retinoic acid, which removes the grains of millet stimulating cellular turnover. The Retinoic acid is not suitable for use in the eyelid area, very delicate and high risk of irritation.
In some cases, to eliminate the grains, rather than resorting to cut time, you can try the chemical peels. The chemical peels should be executed in multiple sessions from a dermatologist expert and is generally based on Alpha-and Beta-hydroxy acids idorssiacidi.