The Zumba Fitness, born from a mix of exotic dances and gymnastics, is the new phenomenon in the industry, with more than 110 schools worldwide and 12 million regulars excited. What is it and why is having so much success? Let's find out together.
The Zumba Fitness, also called simply "Zumba", was invented by a Colombian dancer, Beto Perez, who believes his "creature" is not only an excellent training method but a real philosophy of life. According to Perez, thanks to Zumba gym but it makes it also works psychologically stimulating and personal, individual originality, free self expression and fun all round.
In the United States and in South America this gym to the rhythm of salsa has become widespread and the passion for Zumba are slowly invading Europe and Asia too. Zumba enthusiasts are more than 12 million, distributed in 125 countries of the globe. A true phenomenon from nothing short of huge proportions.
Indicative is the figure who speaks of a clear predominance of women in Zumba Fitness classes: as much as 70 per cent of participants are women.
But because the Zumba Fitness is so loved and, above all, effective? According to its creator, the great success of Zumba Fitness is due to the combination of gymnastics, dance and Latin music.
Those who practice their body and discover their sensual charge, having fun and expressing freely their creativity and imagination. All burning calories through sweat and removing all the impurities of the skin.
Zumba class is established between participants a unique spirit of aggregation, which stimulates the constructive self-comparison with the community.
It's also a workout suitable for all and highly efficient: it makes working all the muscles of the body and allows you to burn up to 1000 calories a session. Eliminate the extra pounds and get back in shape has never been so easy and fun!