Who wants to take off, inevitably also comes with diets in contact. A diet evokes positive associations but hardly one of us. Who would like to hold out a diet and in the long term healthy will decrease that can succeed where with the knowledge of a few clever Abnehmtipps .
Rather, we combine a diet with abandonment, starvation and bad mood. This is not only uncomfortable, but can hinder even the weight loss! Because under stress the body distributes more cortisol. It is a hormone which favours the additional fat deposition. And that's where by the diet to is exactly the opposite.
Therefore one does himself no favors to start under pressure and stress in a strict diet in many ways. Eat rather sufficiently and regularly, incorporate in your everyday life with but many small tricks and gimmicks.
So busy chewing gum of your mouth, ensures a fresh taste and reduces as the need to nibble. It pleases whom but after some chocolate-, can instead of to normal access to Aztec cocoa. To 100% powder is doused with hot water and flavored as desired, for example with cinnamon or chili.
Cinnamon and chili peppers by the way have the property that they in addition enable our metabolism and boost fat burning. People who nevertheless also times sweet like it should resort to Agave syrup. This syrup has a low glycemic index and can be fast the insulin levels don't like sugar in the height. At the same time Agave syrup has only a quarter of the calories, but a similar sweetness!
Basically the right start is especially important but in the day, namely the breakfast, also for losing weight. Here already to give would be virtually the first mistake. Because you need energy during of losing weight to get into swing. Who eats anything morning tends to cravings later that day - so outlandish breakfast takes revenge in the end.
Who satt eats in the morning, however, signaled his body, that he gets enough food and must cling not to its fat stores. The result: Better runs the fat burning. But what is suitable for a diet-compatible and s�ttigendem breakfast? Anyway, she should avoid bright toast with jam or corn flakes. Cereal sounds as already healthier, but here, too, there are considerable differences. Fas all ready mixtures containing any amount of white sugar. That means many empty calories, no long-lasting saturation and is of course also not good for the teeth.
Since homemade muesli is better. You can do some nuts depending on the taste of whole grain oat flake, flax seed. Save extra calories with low-fat milk instead of whole milk. Later for lunch you should access, when it comes to carbohydrates, whole-grain products. You increase the blood sugar and therefore the insulin levels of less and therefore less hamper fat burning. At the same time, saturate it but longer and deliver important vital substances.
Also fruit should you have the day distributed enough food. An Apple in between is healthy ("An Apple a day keeps the doctor away" is it not for nothing) and shorten the waiting time for the next main meal. Towards evening, you should however avoid fruit, because through the high fruit acid it is hard in the stomach. The fruit which is blocked nightly fat burning of the hormone insulin also ensures an increase in.
To avoid this you should take, recommended, evening dear protein diet as when slim in his sleep to himself. Cottage cheese, low-fat cottage cheese and yogurt, or Turkey meat saturate and therefore are ideal in the evening.
Last but not least: Make sure what fat you take to that. Because fat is not the same as FAT: colza and olive oil, salmon and nuts contain e.g. Omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for the fat burning and a valuable part of healthy diet. You should generally avoid only saturated fatty acids. They are included in butter and the most fried food, ready processed meals and snacks such as potato chips.
Instead to light products ("erdnussflips light") to access is by the way also restricted sense: instead of fats they contain often still very much sugar. Low-calorie sweeteners are included, they could provide for cravings and your diet in the end only torpedo. Very sweet light products should you keep away so even where possible and instead access to a whole grain bread. A tasty alternative: Formula diets or formula enriched with fruit protein shakes!