Measure body fat scales - success in losing weight

Why do I need a body fat scales actually? ask yourself some. Now, the success in losing weight is usually measured in kilograms. This is the common way, but the weight alone says a long time nothing about the health of a person. The usual gang on the scales is just something if muscle mass remains the same. Very sporty people but have more muscle tissue and for less fat. A quite muscular, powerful body can weigh so just as much at the same height as a trained body which has just more fat.

In addition, yes some diet programs set to muscle growth, because more muscle to increase the basal metabolic rate of calories, so the calories which consumes the body over and so to speak, even in stand-by. Fitness programs such as fat burning furnace based on this concept, new Moove or the known diet, but also many other methods slim in his sleep to lose weight through fitness.

So you have to measure the success of a diet, the percentage of body fat to determine. Through a combination of body weight and body fat determination better conclusions regarding the general condition of a person may be considered. Here the body fat scales is used.

On the subject of body fat scales , it is first important to know that the proportion of body fat and body fat distribution will vary greatly. Men have generally less body fat than women, older people tend to be more body fat than younger. Professional athletes can have even a body fat of only 8-12%.

But what percentage of body fat is healthy? Women should not exceed the value of 30% and men not fat by over 25%.

While the rule of thumb is: the younger a person, the less body fat should exhibit the body. By the way, women are "programmed" by the evolution especially on fat storage. The female body must accumulate enough reserves for pregnancy and breast-feeding. This perhaps explains why many women already increasing, if they only look at a piece of cream cake.

The body fat percentage alone shows still no, which body fat mainly exists, and where it deposited. With a distribution of fat on the belly people medically seen unhealthy, because this fat distribution often accompanied diabetes, coronary heart disease, or the polycysticovary syndrome with type 2. The resulting body shape is known as Apple shape.

The so-called pear shape, so fatty deposits on bottom and thighs, is not very aesthetic, but from a medical point of view is completely safe.

The traditional models is characterised by four electrodes, which are integrated through a glass plate visible in the ground. So is always one foot on one or two electrodes. Through these electrodes, a weak pulse of electricity runs through the body. The electrical resistance varies here depending on the FAT or muscle tissue. The scales can determine the relationship between FAT and muscle mass but only from the waist down.

More devices are equipped additionally with Handelekroden, they enable a body fat determination of the entire body. Modern body fat scales in practices to determine even the body fat percentage and bone mass.

The conventional devices have their limitations. As moisture more directs the electric current, the feet when entering the body fat scales should be always dry. Body water also influences the measurement. Weigh therefore best always to the same time of day, after the toilet gear. Drink nothing before weighing.

Due to the strong fluctuations it is advisable to make three measurements in a row, and then determine the average. The additional indication of weight, sex, and age the proportion of body fat can now calculate.

Body fat scales not the only possibility is that the body fat to determine. Other methods are used in medicine.

The technically easiest viable method is the skin fold thickness measurement after caliper. Always the same person must measure 9 areas on the body for this purpose with a Calliper. This is embarrassing for patients, and the body fat is not recognised.

A modern form of this method is already the "Lipometer", which works with red light. The body fat will be traced also with ultrasound or X-rays. Exact methods are, however technically complex and cost-intensive. The body fat scales is, however, favourable and relatively accurate. There are some good deals from Amazon here:

It is finally to say that to buy even cheap models at body fat scales there, quality of the product but is usually better with increasing price. As always when purchasing a new technical equipment, it is important to obtain accurate research. Who takes into account the measuring method and focuses on dry feet and an empty bladder has the chance of good results. Weight, body fat, and proportions as an overall picture of the human body.

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