Trx Training Kit: Home

If you have never time to go to the gym and you are looking for an effective, safe and easy to use at home, here's what it does for you. We are talking about the Kit Trx for suspended training home. Ever heard of suspension training Trx? Here's what is and why it is so effective.

The Trx Suspension Training is an innovative training method that, rather than exploit weights "outsiders", it uses the body weight of the person who trains and the gravitational force, as well as some special overloads, to maximize the results of physical activity.

The tool that is used in Training Trx is a result of the use of technological material that led to the creation of a valid and functional machinery, easy to use, the use of which is now a must in all gyms across the globe. The Trx Suspension Training is gaining ground as a training method at home, thanks to the marketing of special Kits, easy to use and install in your home, but also safe and effective.

The Kit contains the tool in question, which consists of three parts: a ceiling anchor strap, a central part to the suspension and the handles, located in the lower part. The tool can also be customized and/or equipped with rings, anklets and abdominal girdles, depending on the exercises to practice. The kits are accompanied by explanatory video and DVD with tips for the proper conduct of exercises. The cost is around 200 Euros.

Combinations of movements and exercises available are innumerable, and this ensures not only the freedom to create your own training path but also improve over time and become expert Trx Suspension lines.

The advantages are: strength, flexibility, stability, balance and coordination are stimulated simultaneously, until you get the maximum return possible. Kit's authorized resellers for the Trx Suspension Training is (for the USA) and (for Europe and Italy).

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