Mascara: selection guide

The Mascara is one of the most beloved women cosmetics. Immediate implementation and easy to use, the Mascara can troubleshoot a look off or tired in seconds, or make the eye more languid and charming in a single pass. The important thing is to choose the product that best suits your needs and apply it in the right way.

Stretching properties, incant, water-proof, volume, reinforcing ...There really is something for everyone. Unfortunately, however, this wide and varied choice can create a bit of confusion to the girls who are not experienced in terms of make-up. Let us try to understand something more about Mascara.

Obviously the choice of Mascara depends largely on two factors: the shape of the eye and the length of lashes.

The girls who have naturally long lashes are beneficial, since it will be enough to buy a product with a nude look ", outlining the eyelashes without forming lumps. For these lucky girls recommended a toothbrush with clenched teeth and curved, so as to apply the Mascara with a maximum of two passes, while minimizing the formation of lumps. The result is natural, nice and light.

Formulas -stretching properties and volume have been designed for girls who have short eyelashes, thin and brittle. Thanks to the specific product applicators will spread without smudging and the eyelashes will look, already after the first pass, more full and long. Often these Mascaras have invigorating formulas and also for reinforcing fragile eyelashes and tending to fall.

The Mascara incant next generation products are equipped with special formulas can make the lashes more "round" and bowed. Most of the applicators are curved, with a very dense and thick brush. The Mascara incant work better if combined with using an eyelash curler and are recommended for those who have very straight and short eyelashes. The effect is guaranteed and truly amazing!

Last should be mentioned the water-proof Mascara, perfect for summer, when you sweat a lot or for the beach or the pool. These products are the best friends of sports that do not want to give up make-up during workouts.

A straight to have strong eyelashes and bright. Mascara applicator, once the product is finished, it can be used as follows. Go to herbal medicine and bought castor oil. Filled with castor oil the container of old Mascara and apply it on the lashes, using the handy brush, every night before going to bed. Your lashes will be strong, bright and bushy like never before.

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