In the form with the Combo

Are you tired of the usual session at the gym, boring and repetitive? To go back or to keep in shape, try the Combo, a fun and effective mix of aerobic high-impact and low-impact. We discover together what it is.

The term "aerobics" includes inside a series of subcategories that do not allow a specific definition and universal. The traditional, very popular in gyms all over the globe, is divided into at least two categories: low-impact aerobics and high-impact aerobics.

Low-impact aerobics (or low impact) is what is usually recommended to inexperienced people and physically prepared because, due to its nature lightweight load exercise, helps reduce the stress to which the human body is subjected during the athletic preparation (particularly articular and muscular level). Conversely, high-impact aerobics (or high impact) consists of a hard workout, which aims to burn all the oxygen the muscles through movement continued and intense. This second type is recommended to persons trained and not for beginners.

A mix of low-impact aerobics and high-impact was born the so-called Combo, which is increasingly taking hold in our country for its extraordinary effectiveness in the remise en forme and the gradual construction of a gym trained body, healthy and harmonious.

What are the benefits of the Combo?

The Combo offers a truly exceptional training and offers almost immediate results.

The alternation of exercises and movements to low and high impact, accompanied by appropriate music rhythms, don't overload your joints and reduce the formation of lactic acid (in the beginning).

Those who practice aerobic Combos are a general improvement of joint mobility and coordination, as well as the acquisition of a general physical well-being. To this we add other important benefits, such as improved cardiac endurance, increased lung capacity, the harmonious development of muscles and greater elasticity of tissues.

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