Escaping the trap of chocolate

Everyone who loves chocolate and sweets, familiar with the problem: the weight loss would be really easy, if not this uncontrollable need for chocolate. Because chocolate is now tasty and makes happy by it raises the levels of serotonin, which is scientifically proven. And the first piece is sweet in the mouth, it is usually impossible to follow not the rest of the tablet in the stomach real Schokoliebhabern with.

The sad: How are triumphs often in no time all good intentions to take off then and the inner pig dog loudly and chases away the last diet grids. So that goes on forever, we have put together some weight loss tips for all chocolate lovers of weightloss, which provide alternatives for your Schokosucht and help in losing weight:

Especially in stressful situations, we are vulnerable to acute Schokolust. Because chocolate is not free also called "Nourishment". But what you definitely did not know: even caffeine increases the levels of serotonin in the blood. How about black tea or coffee so next time with a Cup when it will once again be stressful on work?

But careful: sugar and milk you should forgo better, because these ingredients contain more calories than you might think. Just in the Office, the calories it takes with every cup coffee with milk and sugar to mount up often. And should be taken out specifically that while of course always want to avoid!

Who his mood unlike using a true chocolate would like to brighten up, who should pay attention, to stay always in well-lit rooms. If artificial light avoid, you should make sure that the light source resembles the natural sunlight as possible. Depending on the environment of a person is brighter, the more positive the lighting does affect his mood and the emergency chocolate ration is the unnecessary.

Also positive on the levels of serotonin sport affects. Who up to twice a week right auspowert, which consumes not only additional calories, but increases his well-being also. It doesn't totally matter whether you go to the Poweryoga to the inline skating, jogging, swimming, or if you have a favorite of other sports.

Who in the morning one hour earlier stands up, prevent the rapid reduction of serotonin. Because the happiness hormone is mined in sleep. Also you get to even one extra serving daylight at the earlier standing up - at least in the summer. So get out of bed!

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